Directions to Polls: East Lake Avenue to the Zwingli Church is closed.  Please access Main Street and go south to E. Park Avenue, turn left at the school.  Take E. Park past the bus garage, to Garfield Street.  Take a left (north) onto Garfield and cross E Lake into the Zwingli parking lot.

Weather in Mt. Pleasant, WI

Open Book: Monday, 15th of April 2019 at Monticello Village Hall from noon to 2:00pm


OPEN BOOK NOTICE: Town of Mt. Pleasant, Green County

Pursuant to s.70.45, Wis. Stats., the Town of Mt. Pleasant assessment roll for the year 2018 assessment will be open for examination at the following time:

Date: Monday, 15th day of April, 2019 at the Monticello Village Hall conference room from noon to 2:00 p.m. 

Instructional information about the assessment, how to file an objection, and board of review procedures under Wisconsin law will be available at that time. 

Notice is hereby given this 28th day of March, 2019 by:  Joni Waelchli-Buehl, clerk