Ordinances & Resolutions


Ordinance 04-16-2024 Establishing Shifts for Election Officials
Ordinance 02-12-2024 Adopt WI Muncpl Records Sched
Ordinance 11-13-2023 Public Access to Records
Ordinance 7-21-2014 amended 2023 Fees for Services
Ordinance 07-10-2023 ATV UTV Routes and Regulations
Ordinance 8-08-2022 Amendment to Land Division Code
Recycling Ordinance 7-12-2021
Ordinance 11-21-11-2020 Exemption from Treasurer's Bond
Ordinance 11-21-11-2019 Exemption from Treasurer's Bond
Code of Country Living (Required with Driveway Permit)
Driveway Ordinance 1-98 (amended September 2018)
Ordinance 01-18-2010 Noxious Weed Ordinance
Ordinance 03-15-04 Building Inspection
Ordinance 04-18-05-1 Fire Department
Ordinance 05-15-06 Relating to Confidentiality of Info Provided to Assessor
Ordinance 05-21-2010 Seasonal Weight Limit Ordinance
Ordinance 08-02-06 Code of Ordinances
Ordinance 08-19-02 Wittenwyler Road Speed Limit
Ordinance 08-19-1991 Ordinance Establishing Fire Protection Charges (amended August 2018)
Ordinance 08-21-06 Land Division & Subdivision
Ordinance 10-17-05 to Adopt Comprehensive Plan
Ordinance 1-15-07 Cemetery Road Speed Limit
Ordinance 12-14-2015 CAFO Ordinance
Ordinance 12-15-08-1 Citation
Ordinance 12-15-08 Failure to Pay
Ordinance 12-15-08 Land Division & Subdivision Amendment-Road Specifications
Ordinance 12-15-08 Land Division & Subdivision Amendment-Transfer of Land Divisions
Ordinance 12-17-09 Land Division & Subdivision Amendment-Use of Land Divisions
Ordinance 4-21-03 Plan Commission Ordinance
Ordinance 7-17-2017 Clerk to serve on Board of Review
Ordinance 7-21-2014 amend 05-13-2019 Ordinance Providing for Fees for Services Performed by or on Behalf of the Town of Mt. Pleasant...
Ordinance 1-2019 Accounts Receivable Bill Procedure

Resolutions and Policies

Resolution 06-10-2024 Borrow Money for Air Packs
Resolution 04-16-2024 Number of Election Officials
Resolution to Adopt Town Tax Levy for 2024
Resolution 05-08-2023 Updated GC Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 1-23-2023 Route Designation of County Roads To ATV Club
Resolution 12-13-2021 Election Inspectors
Resolution 11-8-2021 ATV UTV Referendum
Resolution to Approve MMPW Bylaws 2021
MMPW Fire District Bylaws 2021
Resolution for Electors to Adopt the Town Tax Levy 2021 for 2022
2020 for 2021 Tax Levy Resolution
Resolution 9-16-2019
Resolution 9-16-2019#2
Procedure for Sworn Telephone or Sworn Testimony Requests for Board of Review (2018)
Procedure for Waiver of Board of Review Hearing Requests (2018)
Realities and Code of Country Living
Resolution 01-15-2017-2 Updated GC Mitigation Plan
Resolution 01-15-2017 Board Members to act as Patrolmen
Resolution 01-18-10 Mailbox Policy
Resolution 01-20-03 Number of Election Officials
Resolution 02-02-1938 Fire Truck Purchase Agreement
Resolution 04-19-99 Granting Village Powers to Town Board
Resolution 06-08-1959 Fire House Building Agreement
Resolution 07-21-97 for Bridge Replacement Project
Resolution 10-20-97 Driveway Permit Fees
Resolution 10-25-04 Fire & First Response Call Collection Policy
Resolution 1-1-06 Designating NIMS for Incident Management
Resolution 12-12-05 Rural Code of Conduct Policy
Resolution 3-15-04 Building Inspection Fees (Admended 7-20-09)
Resolution 3-19-07 Delinquent Taxes (Admended 1-18-10)
Resolution 3-19-07 Unpaid Delinquent Charges
Resolution 8-1-06 Code of Ordinances
Resolution 9-18-06 Land Dividing Review Fees & Escrow Accounts
Resolution 9-19-06 Guidelines for Reviewing Land Divisions
Resolution #9-19-2016 Just Fix It
Resolution for Electors to Exceed Levy Limit (14 November 2016)
Resolution to Adopt Town Levy for 2018
Resolution to Adopt Town Tax Levy 2017-2018 Budget
Town Transportation Resolution 2018
Website Resolution