Caucus: TOWN CAUCUS for the purpose of nominating Town of Mount Pleasant Board candidates to appear on the spring ballot will be held on Monday, 13th of January 2025, at 7:00pm at The Monticello Fire Station, 412 N. Main Street, Monticello. 

Weather in Mt. Pleasant, WI

Green County Zoning Public Hearing Notice

There will be a public hearing before the Green County Zoning and Land Use Committee relative to the following proposed Ordinance amendments to Green Co Zoning Code:

Title 9, Chapter 2, Sanitary Code Regulations (POWTS Maintenance assessments pursuant to Section 66.0703)

The public hearing will be held in the Second Floor Conference Room of the Green Co Courthouse, 1016 16th Ave Monroe WI on Monday, 8th of July 2019 at 4:00pm. A copy of the proposed ordinance is on file for inspection at the Zoning Office at 1016 16th Ave, Monroe, during normal business hours.