Caucus: TOWN CAUCUS for the purpose of nominating Town of Mount Pleasant Board candidates to appear on the spring ballot will be held on Monday, 13th of January 2025, at 7:00pm at The Monticello Fire Station, 412 N. Main Street, Monticello. 

Weather in Mt. Pleasant, WI

Oliver Road Reconditioning begins Monday, 13th of May 2019


The reconditioning of Oliver Road is scheduled to start on Monday, the 13th of May 2019 and is expected to take approximately three weeks. 

Payne and Dolan, Inc, of Fitchburg, WI, has been contracted to do the work.  They will begin by grinding the old blacktop road, digging out any soft spots and adding new fill.  The next steps are to apply a new layer of blacktop and then shoulder the road.

Oliver Road will be open during construction but for everyone’s safety and to keep the process moving efficiently, we request limited road use during major construction, especially during the blacktopping operation. 

The board of Mt. Pleasant Township would like to thank you for your patience during this construction project.